
Academic Affairs

Post List
No. Title Date Hit
438 [CoE Office of Academic Affairs] Urgent notice for students taking face-to-face labs/practice-based ... May 14, 2020 | Hit 1955 May 14, 2020 1955
437 [CoE Office of Student Affairs] Urgent notice for all students May 14, 2020 | Hit 2189 May 14, 2020 2189
436 Urgent notice for all students May 13, 2020 | Hit 1769 May 13, 2020 1769
435 To Foreigners who visited clubs or bars in Seoul’s Itaewon! May 12, 2020 | Hit 1774 May 12, 2020 1774
434 Faculty Council's COVID-19 Relief Scholarship Attachment May 7, 2020 | Hit 2163 May 7, 2020 2163
433 [mandatory] Respect Life Program(education for life protection, 생명존중(자살예방) 교육 May 6, 2020 | Hit 2183 May 6, 2020 2183
432 Continue to push for social distancing in a somewhat relaxed form than before May 6, 2020 | Hit 1882 May 6, 2020 1882
431 2020 Quiz on Korea May 4, 2020 | Hit 2183 May 4, 2020 2183
430 Public Mask Purchases for Registered Foreigners Apr 24, 2020 | Hit 1639 Apr 24, 2020 1639
429 Digital Logic Design and Lab.(논리설계 및 실험) will be open in Summer session classe 2020. Apr 14, 2020 | Hit 2056 Apr 14, 2020 2056